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App Privacy Statements

App Privacy

We do not have access to customer data via our apps beyond the information provided by Atlassian Marketplace for evaluating or purchasing our products. We use data anonymised by Atlassian to manage our product offerings. This document forms part of our full Privacy Policy.

Togetha Cloud Apps

No personal data is stored or forwarded to third parties from our cloud apps. Only meta and configuration data is stored using an anonymised user ID. The apps fetch all relevant data from the Atlassian Cloud and store it back there.

MailDrop for Confluence lets you drag an email from your email client onto your Confluence page and have it’s contents added to the page.

  • MailDrop for Confluence processes the email directly in Confluence, you do not need to set up a mail server, and your data never leaves Confluence, there are no third party servers involved.

  • We only log anonymous data about the processing of an attachment. For example we do not log the attachment filenames, just attachment IDs.

  • This app does not use Cookies.

All app metadata is stored in the Atlassian Cloud. The cloud app is hosted and operated in Atlassian's Cloud data centre. Atlassian provide the ability to set data residency.

The data is not deleted automatically, but on request to support. In addition, we ensure that all stored and anonymised data is logically separated so that the actions of one user do not affect those of another.

Means of processing

To obtain and modify data in the Cloud, our apps use public REST APIs. For example, using the Atlassian Cloud REST API, we obtain Page contents and Attachments to display email contents in Confluence.


If you have any problems using our products, you may contact our support team. Depending on the issue, we may request log files, which you can give to us. All log files, including any data transferred with them, are only used to analyse and solve your issues, nothing further.

Security vulnerabilities

We continuously work to keep our products and data secure. If you find any security vulnerability contact our support team so we can prevent data breaches and protect your information.


For products that work with browsers, we use cookies to store user information for the duration of the visit and until the next visit at a later time. A "cookie "is a small amount of data stored on the hard drive of the user's computer.

In-App Statistics

Anonymous usage data help improve our apps to meet your needs. We may collect anonymous statistical usage data on our apps where appropriate.

The type of data that might be collected is:

  • IP address

  • Metadata

  • Technical information related to your device system and use of the product(s)

The data if collected will be transmitted to our servers based in Australia. The transmission of IP and metadata only occurs because it is part of the TCP/IP protocol. Upon the arrival of the data on our server, the IP address and the metadata are removed from the anonymous usage statistics for static analysis. The IP address and the metadata are not stored.

For the processing the anonymous static usage data itself, the EU-DSGVO is inapplicable (Recital 26 of the EU-DSGVO). After collection and removal of the IP information it is not possible to assign the data to a specific person.

At no time can we assign this anonymous statistical usage data to a specific person. Consolidating this anonymous statistical usage data with other data sources cannot and will not be carried out.

The short-term processing of the IP and the metadata is based on our legitimate mutual interest (Art. 6 Para. 1 S.1 lit. f. EU-DSGVO) to improve the app in the interest of the customer. 

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